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Valentine’s Day Mantel Reveal

Valentine's Day mantel

From the moment I spotted these vintage foil lithographs at the thrift last week, I knew they would feel right at home on my Valentine’s Day mantel. Their muted pastel tones and general soft loveliness seemed to pair perfectly with the other daintier aspects of the holiday.

We’re not huge Valentine’s Day celebrators around here. In fact, the most legendary and oft-retold story is of the first Valentine’s Day Hubs and I shared together. I’ll save that story for another time.

Valentine's Day mantel

Back to the mantel, I pulled out the vintage handkerchief bunting my mom made for my bridal shower back in 2013. It’s held up so well. I contemplated running it just straight along the length of the mantel, but I opted to run it up and along the mirror instead so as not to clash with the lithographs.

Our camellias are putting out the most glorious blooms right now. It seemed only appropriate to feature them here as well.

Valentine's Day mantel

Other little vintage goodies, like pieces of vintage china from one of our wedding sets, a lid-less candy dish, and a brass heart candlestick completed the this sweet Valentine’s Day mantel.

I always love creating looks from vintage finds. While it means I probably won’t ever be able to “source” much of anything, my hope is always that it inspires and encourages to look for ways to decorate that are unique and personal. Target and Amazon are great, and goodness knows I find enough great stuff there. But nothing beats an authentic, gathered look quite like what you find when you scour thrift and antique stores for treasures.

Valentine's Day mantel

Speaking of treasures, I hope you’ll join me back here on Friday for another installment of Found Friday, where I share some of my vintage finds.

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