
Spring Cottage Refresh

For most of the month of February, it felt like Florida was trying to win some sort of race to spring. It was hot and downright muggy. This week was the official start of spring, but in some cruel turn, Florida decided it wasn’t quite ready to let go of winter. It’s hovered in the low 40s most mornings this week, and my gardenias (and I) are over it.

Last week, I shared my spring mantle. This week, I’m taking you on a tour of my house to show you how I’ve refreshed a few areas for spring.


I have a slight obsession with changing out throw pillows each season. That can get pretty pricy, not to mention finding storage space. I typically hit JoAnn’s Fabric and then ask my upholsterer husband to sew up some new pillows for me quickly.

I always hit the sales rack first, and I got such a great treat in finding a great teal fabric with faint green, yellow, and brown stripes. To complement the teal, I found a green fabric that paired with the slight green stripe so well. It has kind of this neat retro 70’s vibe.

I think the pillows add so much cheeriness to the space. They’re my favorite holiday pillows he’s made so far.

I picked up the yellow blanket from an online sale at Birch Lane last week. The color was perfect to play off the yellow in the pillows, and the blanket itself is still perfect for some early spring chilly evenings.

Faux Plants

I desperately want to try real houseplants, but the first adage in life is “know thyself.” In knowing myself, I know full well I just don’t have the time in my life right now to keep houseplants alive. I have one on the fireplace, but even he’s starting to look a little iffy.

I decided it was safer to splurge on a few faux plants and stems that didn’t seem overly fake.

I tried to mix and match textures and container heights and sizes. I love succulents, but none of the stores around me carry quality succulents. I suppose I could order some online, but as the seasons change, I don’t know what I would do with all the plants come fall. Succulents just don’t really say “autumn.” In our small, storage-lacking house and with living on a budget, I just have to take these sorts of things into consideration. The faux succulents (and the other houseplants), can easily be tucked away in a storage box under a bed when fall comes around.

I pulled out some of my favorite “spring” colored books and placed them at various points around the house.

Odds and Ends

I got a couple of really cute lemon salt and pepper shakers from Walmart. Fun fact: I actually ordered them after I saw them in the latest issue of Country Living. They look perfectly spring on my kitchen table.

I wanted to communicate spring by decorating with items that invoke the season. A pair of lamb sheers and a small children’s shovel seemed the perfect addition to a tabletop vignette.

My mom loves old flash cards, so I borrowed a few that really spoke to “spring.”

Since it’s still early in the season, I’ll stay on the hunt for spring things to add to my home. I love vintage gardening items, so I’m specifically keeping my eye out for old gardening tools, seed packets, and books pertaining to gardening.

Let me know below how you’ve given your home a little spring refresh.

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  1. I love seeing your home through the photos you post, they are magazine worthy. BTW, 👏👏👏to your rock star hubby on the throw pillows. Love them and all the little vignettes you’ve created in your little cottage in the lake. I want a pair of the lemon salt and pepper shakers too.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! He’ll love hearing pillow appreciation, especially considering the narrow window I gave him to turn them around for me! Hahaha

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