
The Christmas Nostalgia Machine

Christmas ignites my nostalgia machine. It’s this little inner machine that really starts cooking curing the holidays, pushing me toward a craving for things that were good and right from a different time. My love for vintage goodies means the nostalgia machine is always at work, to some degree. But it works overtime during the holidays. I’m drawn to decorating choices and pieces that harken back to simplicity and sentimentality. As I work on unpacking our Christmas boxes this weekend, I wanted to share a few of my favorite Christmas pieces that I can’t wait to unbox and display.

My Husband’s Childhood Ornaments

We decorate the Christmas tree in our kitchen with these ornaments, and they are a favorite. I didn’t grow up with my husband, so I love unpacking them as a family and listening to stories about his childhood and the life he led before we met. There’s something extra precious about sharing these memories with my oldest son, who also has a bit of an inner nostalgia machine, too. 

It’s a Wonderful Life Christmas Village

This was one of my first adult Christmas decorating purchases. While it’s not really my style any longer, I refuse to part with it and still display it proudly because I can still distinctly feel the irresponsible rush of charging it all to a credit card that I never should’ve owned (major life lesson) and just how proud I was to purchase something brand new to display in my first house. 

Vintage Italian Nativity Set

This set was gifted to me by my mother-in-law some years ago, and I love pulling it out every year just as much now as the first time I unwrapped it. The paint colors, the texture, the hanging angel and the removable baby Jesus delight me. I always struggle with how and where to display the set because I don’t want its surroundings to distract from its beauty. I think this year I’ll add some tiny Christmas trees to the scene to soften it. 

What are some of your favorite nostalgic Christmas items? I’d love to read about them in the comments below!

Cheers from the cottage,


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