Summer Mantel Decor

Summer at the Cottage

Summer Mantel Decor

Spring melted into summer in a pretty insignificant way here at the cottage. It could be that because we’ve been sheltering at home since the second week of March, we let the subtleties of the changing season escape us. Now, our central Florida drought has been replaced with afternoon monsoons, and I’m putting babies to bed while it’s still light outside.

But those mosquitoes are just as ornery as ever. 

Summer Mantel Decor

Last week, I finally climbed up into the loft to pull down my summer decor. I tend not to keep much decor between seasons simply because I don’t have the storage space. Summer and Christmas are my exceptions.

Summer Mantel Decor

I try to have my patriotic decor up in time to celebrate Memorial Day, but I was a little late this year. Because summer lasts through August (truthfully, through September here in Florida), we’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the palette of blues I love to use to welcome the season. 

Summer Mantel Decor

I revisited last year’s summer mantel and added a few new elements. I’m in a season where I’m really asking myself if I need to reinvent the wheel. I loved last year’s mantel so much, why reinvent the wheel? I altered a few elements, but it’s largely the same. I wanted to incorporate lots of red, white, and blue touches mixed with nods to traditional summer activities like picnics and outdoor games. 

Summer Mantel Decor

All of the mantel items were finds from thrift stores, antique shops, flea markets, or yard sales. One of my favorite pieces is the George H.W. Bush campaign sign, a gift from my mom a few years ago. The matching campaign mug was a yard sale find from last summer.

Summer Mantel Decor

The vintage Eddie Bauer bocce ball set nearly got a brother in a vintage croquet set, complete with rolling stand, that I found over the weekend on Facebook Marketplace. But my husband, ever the practical one, reminded me we had a vintage set in the garage, even if it doesn’t have the cool stand. So I regretfully let it get away.

Summer Mantel Decor

Now that the inside appropriately reflects summer, we’re turning our attention to a slew of outdoor projects to beautify our outdoor spaces. We’re busy painting the front of the house and adding a small little front deck. And we’re thinking through how to turn our new pool area into a backyard oasis. I’m dreaming of dinners al fresco, nighttime swims under the twinkling lights, and ‘smores out by the fire pit.

Summer Mantel Decor

Sweet summer, don’t be in a hurry to leave us.

Cheers from the cottage,


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