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Spring 2024 One Room Challenge Introduction

“Guess whose back … back again?” That’s right, I’ve signed up for my second round of the One Room Challenge! I’m excited to introduce my project plans and timeline with you all today!

One Room Challenge happens twice a year, where participants commit to transforming a room in their homes in eight weeks. While my project isn’t transforming an “existing” room, I love the idea of creating an additional “room” in my house … just outdoors!

To be fair, this project isn’t a “new” project in the sense that it’s the first time you’ve heard about it. But it’s a project that I’ve had in mind to get started on since January, and this challenge seemed like the perfect time to fully commit.

Back in January, I shared that my first big project of the year would be my greenhouse. Instead, I signed up to appear in a spring vintage market, which was an incredible experience. But it also completely took my focus away for much of February, so I sincerely only leveled a few blocks on the base before calling it quits.

Since then, I’ve actually decided that I want to relocate my greenhouse. So it’s kind of perfect that I haven’t really had the time to devote to it in order to allow “better” ideas to come to pass. It seems like that’s how most of my projects go anyway; a delay gives way to a better idea. Serendipity.

While my greenhouse plans will largely stay the same in terms of construction plans, the new location means my “front” yard will get a bit of a fun facelift.

For starters, our decision to construct it between my house and garage means that the ugly side of my garage will be mostly camouflaged from the house, which I absolutely love. The garage has a date with a renovation, but it’s as-to-be-determined since it’s not a priority. Additionally, I have always hated that folks who pull up to my house are treated to views of my “front door” AND my laundry room door. I also hate that my electric meter is on full display (the Japanese magnolia I planted to hide it four years ago has grown hardly at all). A strategically-placed greenhouse should shield those a bit.

The new location is actually the spot of a project that I undertook last February in creating a sweet little reclaimed brick patio off my garden. I’ll be using all of that existing brick flooring and simply expanding its square footage to accommodate my greenhouse.

My first order of business is to figure out how to create my existing “foundation” in the spots where the brick butts right up to the azalea walkway that I have no plans to change.

It’s always been my plan to have an English-inspired garden in this space; I can’t wait to see this greenhouse come to life. It will truly be the foundation for all kinds of wonderful plants.

In order to keep moving, here is my week-by-week plan to keep myself accountable and to give you an idea of what to expect!

  • Week 1: Lay out and level foundation
  • Week 2: Frame out the greenhouse
  • Week 3: Install windows
  • Week 4: Install roofing, reglaze any broken windows
  • Week 5: Install flooring
  • Week 6: Build potting bench
  • Week 7: Decorate
  • Week 8: Reveal

Be inspired by all of this year’s ORC projects and follow along on social media with all of the fun by searching #oneroomchallenge and #orcat. Better yet, join in on the fun! Registration for the event is actually open until the end of this week!

If you’re new here, you can check out last year’s One Room Challenge project right HERE.

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  1. My yard and landscaping is a total blank slate, so I’m thrilled that you are tackling this so I can see how’s it done! I love your inspirations!!! I want to go to there!

    1. You’re so kind, Julie! Thank you so much for being here. It means the world to me to hear I’ve inspired someone to tackle a project!

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