Southern Azalea Book Club: Big Dreams, Daily Joys

As an English literature teacher, I get the opportunity to indulge in all sorts of incredible books. I’ve always been a voracious reader. I emotionally connect with books and words in a way that other forms of media simply can’t touch. I decided that I’m going to take time on the blog in this upcoming year to share what’s on my nightstand, the books that are impacting my life in all the loud and quiet places.

Enter Elise Blaha Cripe’s book Big Dreams, Daily Joys: Set Goals. Get Things Done. Make Time for What Matters.

I initially picked up the book because I’ve been following Elise on social media for years (seriously, she’s such an incredibly talented maker if you need a good dose of that inspiration in your life). But I was compelled to read it for a deeper reason: I constantly feel as if there “just aren’t enough hours in the day” to do all the things.

At the heart of my perpetual doggy paddle through the waters of life is that, while I certainly have an intentional and purposeful mindset, my follow-through is murky at best once I meet resistance. Having watched Elise nurture her various creative business ventures in the midst of life circumstances similar to my own, I knew she’d be able to help a sister out.

Elise’s theory is that “You have exactly enough time for the things that matter to you” (83). And after reading through her ideas and completing some of the exercises she includes in the book, I know she’s right. Her approach is all about getting a handle on the day-to-day tasks to make room in our lives for “white space” (unfilled time) and the things we dream of doing.

Having completed the book, here’s a few of her ideas that I’ve implemented that are already giving me more intentionality with my time:

  • Sorting Tasks: What parts of my day do I have the most energy and/or greatest pockets of time to accomplish certain tasks, and can I schedule those tasks appropriately?
  • Set a Timer: What is a task I’m dreading today? Can I set a timer for 15 minutes and attempt to “beat the timer” to make the task more enjoyable and/or make myself more productive in knocking it out?
  • Pick Three: What three actions (however miniscule) can I take this week toward achieving some of my five-year plan goals? 

Whether you’re dreaming big dreams or simply trying to get a grip on the everyday, there’s something for everyone in Elise’s book. Snag yourself a copy ASAP!

Speaking of big dreams, I’m ready to share my heart with you: My dream is to open a brick-and-mortar shop filled with the things that I love: timeless vintage items, repurposed and handmade heritage-style products, and cottage home goods and provisions that inspire an intentional, slow-paced, thoughtful lifestyle. It’s my intense hope that by beginning to manage the demands of my current lifestyle, I can make room in my day-to-day life to begin to work toward that dream.

There’s one very super-secret particular part of that dream that my husband and I are actively working to launch in 2020 that you’ll just have to stay tuned for!

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