
One Room Challenge: Week 2

The Completed

You know how it’s always the most “boring” stuff that is typically the most important from a foundational standpoint? Well, this week in porch world, it was all about the foundation.

It’s not super interesting. But it’s probably the most important.

After excavating some long-standing camellias in our backyard a few weeks ago that were blocking the corners of the house (a joint effort), my husband took lead this week and got the footers poured for the porch.

At 24 feet by 12 feet, and not attached to our house, he poured a total of eight footers to help support the weight of the porch. Each square will take about 24 to 36 hours to dry. I even got in on the action by helping stir the concrete and serving as Queen of the Concrete Bucket for a few brief, importance-filled moments.

Next, he ripped off the skirting around the bottom of the back of the house. I’ve hated the skirting for all 13 years we have lived here, but it was something that the mortgage company required in order to secure the loan. I was so happy to see it go in this area and am already envisioning seeing it go in other areas.

A few of the boards at the bottom of the house have seen better days, so they had to be removed. They will be replaced before the flooring of the porch is installed.

Overall, a pretty successful first full week of work. I’m hoping by next week that I’ll be able to report back a repaired and painted house. And maybe, if we’re extra productive, posts attached to the footers.

The In-Process

I have finally made up my mind about a house paint color, and I am very at peace with my decision. This is really important because our next step involves replacing rotten wood siding and painting. Look for more to come on that in our Week 3 update.

I’ve also decided to give sandblasting a try with my vintage patio furniture. Originally, my plan was to hire a company to do it. But we have a giant air compressor that I think can handle the job really well with the right equipment. Now that I’m set on my house color, I think I can also move forward figuring out what color to paint my furniture.

Our door situation had also been a big question mark. Our screen door is in rough shape. But it’s old, which I love. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to attempt to salvage it or start looking for another old screen door to replace it. The prospect felt daunting given just how crooked and unlevel we find our cottage to be during these kinds of project. Making a new/old door fit just felt like an unnecessary struggle. I’m on team salvage, so I’m going to try to unhinge it this week to see what I’m going to be up against.

The Still-Up-In-The-Air

  1. We are still very torn about what to use for flooring. Originally, we planned to use a composite wood for the entire flooring. However, we are wondering if it wouldn’t be more cost-efficient to go with regular decking for the portion of the porch under-roof since it will be largely protected from the elements. If we go that route, we would paint/stain to match the color of the composite decking, which we would use around the pool. We love the look of the composite wood, though, and we’re wondering if it isn’t just worth it to do the whole thing out of that material for the sake of durability and aesthetics.
  2. Our roof situation is also back in the “unknown” category. We were pretty confident in an opaque roof to give some natural light while filtering out a big portion of sun. However, I’m really worried about keeping that clean, and I’m wondering if it will still be too hot underneath. Also, I’m sort of obsessed with the idea of following the Southern tradition of a haint blue porch ceiling. More on that later. I’m going to have to make this decision pretty quickly.
  3. My vintage patio furniture also needs a facelift. Once upon a time, I painted it all black without any sort of legitimate prep work. But it’s peeling and rusting in some spots. It needs new paint, but I’m afraid the color I’m leaning more toward is more “coastal cottage” and less “country cottage.” I’m definitely looking forward to getting the paint on the house so that I can finalize this decision.
  4. Closely related is the vintage patio furniture cushion situation. Right now, they’re all mismatched and in need of some TLC and cohesion. On the agenda for this upcoming week is to take a trip to the fabric store for some samples.

I can’t express what it’s like to watch a little dream coming true. I have dreamed about this porch for so many years. The momentum is encouraging here at the cottage; I can’t wait to report back next week with our Week 3 update!

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