New Name. Same Space.

When you were growing up, did you ever want a new name? I spent my childhood listening others butcher the pronunciation of and/or the spelling of my name. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit there were times that I had wished that I had some shorter, simpler name. While I grew to really embrace the humor in the struggles about my given birth name, I started to have the same feeling about the name of my blog very soon after I launched. The name just didn’t feel “right” for the story I wanted to tell.

Florida Cottage Sunroom

At heart, I’m a vintage soul who lives a quaint cottage lifestyle. My sweet cottage studio is a huge part of it, but it’s not all of it. So much of what I love about my cottage happens outside my little studio. I am working hard to grow a garden that feeds my family. I just made my dreams come true and canned for the first time. I’m embarking on a project called The Handmade Summer (#thehandmadesummer). I’m still plotting how I can get my husband to agree to chickens. And a goat. Of course, I’m always working on home projects; in fact, I’ve been waiting for this monsoon-like weather to abate around here so that I can get cranking on my exterior makeover. There’s so much about this beautiful life that I want to celebrate and share, and a new blog name was really necessary to accomplish that.

Cottage Kitchen Old Sign

So here it is: The Southern Azalea. My social media channels and blog URL have been updated to reflect the change.

Why the change?

  1. It’s much simpler to communicate (and type) this name.
  2. In a more inclusive way, it allows me to share more about this cottage lifestyle I’m cultivating, which necessarily includes our cottage (and my studio) happenings.

If you’ve been following since the beginning, you won’t notice a change. I’ll still be doing what I’ve always been doing with a name that just fits better.

Florida Gardening Pink Hydrangea

The process of changing the name was kind of time-consuming on the website end but worth it. So here’s my challenge to you on this Monday: That thing you know you need to change but haven’t because of how hard it’s going to be? Just do it. If you’re anything like me, you’ll wonder at the end of it all what the heck took you so long to do it.

Have a great week, friends.

You can read more here to find out how I came up with the name and what it embodies HERE.

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