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Dressing Up the Master Bedroom

A random thrift find last week inspired us to finally put a few of the “finishing-for-now” touches on our master bedroom. And the best part is that it was almost a thrift stop we skipped!

Last Thursday, we adventured out to do a little thrifting. We hit a few shops and decided we needed to get back home to work on some projects. But Rob surprised me and pulled into one final shop. It’s one that we have varying levels of success at.

I threw a few old books into the basket, and Rob did a lap through the tool area claiming there was nothing to be found. I always like to see for myself, so as I circled through the tool area, Rob stumbled on a set of three oval braided rugs of varying sizes. And practically brand new.

They had all of the earthy browns, creams, and tans that usually pull at me along with a ring of a rusty, earthy red. Our initial thought was that the biggest one might fit into the library, but I was really concerned the curtains would clash. I figured there was no beating this price or condition and threw them into my cart, content to be a little unsure of their final home.

We got home and immediately tried the biggest rug in the library, but it was a no-go. It was too narrow between the bookcases and just looked all wrong.

And then I had an idea.

What if we used all three in the master bedroom? We had absolutely no rugs in there, and with winter (hopefully) coming, the thought of having something soft to touch my feet in the morning versus the cold, hard floor sounded sort of luxurious.

Before I took the time to unroll everything, I pulled out the table cloths I had been storing to use as curtains in the room to see if they would play well together. And they did!

So I unrolled the biggest, and got it maneuvered at the end of the bed. Because our bed sits sort of off-center because of some oddly-placed windows, the middle-sized rug fit perfectly on my side of the bed while the smallest nestled perfectly on Rob’s side.

It was simply amazing to see how much life the rugs immediately added to the room!

Riding the textile high, I asked Rob to please finish spray painting the electrical conduit we use for curtain rods so that I could get the curtains hung. He spent the afternoon knocking that off his project list and getting them hung up. I had to grab a few more curtain rings over the weekend (they were sold out at the two closest Walmarts to me), but by Saturday, the room was finished.

It just feels like the coziest hug walking into the room now. This room is pretty “finished” for now until we get the time to tackle painting and replacing the ceiling (the T1-11 panels that the previous owner stuck up there for ceiling just aren’t really doing it for me any longer). I’m really longing for beadboard as the ceiling with a real ring of molding all around the room. I think it will really increase the cozy factor.

What do you think of the rugs and curtains? Do you think they play well together? Were the rugs a great thrift purchase? Let me know in the comments!

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    1. Thank you so much, Kate! It feels good to have a space for some of the vintage pretties we’ve collected throughout the years!

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