Dream-Chasing: My Shop is LIVE!

I did this substantial, vulnerable, wonderful, exciting thing yesterday: I launched my own shop!

Right now, my handmade goods can be found in my Etsy shop. I hope you’ll visit! There, you’ll find an assortment of bunting in patriotic and camping themes, perfect for those summer mantels or outdoor gatherings. If you’re local to Citrus County, Florida, I do offer local pick-up options. Please message me to take advantage of those before placing your Etsy order. 

I am already hard at work on a restock, where I’ll introduce some new designs. Over the next few months, I also hope to introduce new products I am working on perfecting. I have a huge stash of vintage linens just itching to be repurposed into something sweet and cottagey. 

Maybe this whole venture will fail. It’s entirely possible, and I can accept that happening. What I had a hard time accepting anymore after ten years was not pursuing this crazy little shopkeeper dream. 

I kept waiting for the “perfect” timing. The “right” amount of money in the bank account. Enough of a “following” to garner interest. But the truth is, these things just don’t exist for everyone. We all have to start from somewhere. 

Living is for the vulnerable, for those authentically and passionately chasing dreams in all shapes and sizes, unashamed and unafraid of what all of the successes and failures have to teach us along the way. I want this cottage to be all about embracing courage and tenacity, navigating challenges and accepting outcomes, all while remaining our wonderfully original selves. How my little guys approach their lives will be directly impacted by what they see reflected in their parents: I want them to see their Mama living bravely and boldly!

I don’t know where this big crazy dream of mine will take me. Goodness, I sure hope it leads to my own little brick and mortar storefront, continuing to share bits of cozy cottage goodness with everyone. I’ve shared with a few folks my next steps in that vision, which I’m hoping to begin taking within the next few months.

In the meantime, virtually shop my goodies from the comfort of home, hopefully cocooned in a cozy blanket with a warm cup of tea or coffee. Have a certain bunting color scheme or theme you’d like to see? Leave me a comment below, and I’ll work to add it to my inventory.

Cheers from the cottage,


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  1. Cousin, you are creative, intelligent, brave, tenacious, and have the most infectious laugh! I hope the future holds all you dream of and MORE! Love you!

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