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Decorating with the Presidents

vintage Abraham Lincoln book ends

I wouldn’t say I’m a “collector” of presidential memorabilia per se, but the history buff in me sure doesn’t turn down something presidential in nature when I see it.

On this President’s Day, I wanted to show off a few of the pieces in my presidential collection, along with a recent thrift store find never before shared on the blog.

President's Day decor

George H.W. Bush Campaign Sign

George H.W. Bush campaign sign

This was a birthday present from my mom a few years ago, and I continue to use it each summer on my mantel. Long term, I’m not really sure how to properly preserve it since it’s cardboard. But for now, it is in fabulous shape. I always love pulling it out of the loft each May because those summer days always seem so close once it finds its yearly perch above the fireplace.

George H.W. Bush Campaign Mug

George H.W. Bush campaign mug

I found this randomly at a yard sale two years ago. Immediately, I knew it would be so fun to display with my Bush campaign sign. I’m too young to remember Bush’s presidency, but displaying it brings just a smidge of childhood nostalgia to my life.

Impeach Clinton Erasable Pens

Impeach Clinton pen

These are more funny to me than anything. My husband gifted these to me after he found them at a thrift store. He stored them in a bag of vintage drafting items, and I completely forgot about them until I ran back across them while cleaning out my studio last spring. They also found their way onto my summer mantel, but no one will ever really get close enough to be able to read the writing.

FDR War Correspondence Picture

FDR war correspondence

This framed picture was gifted to me by my mother-in-law last year. It’s only a photo of an original, but it’s still something I display. I imagine one of the hardest parts of presidential life involves playing the role of Commander in Chief and the enormous and world-changing responsibility it entails.

Abraham Lincoln book ends

vintage Abraham Lincoln book ends

I snagged these from a thrift store last week for $5. I’m unsure of their age because I can’t find a marking, but they’re so heavy. Each one has vintage felt pieces glued to the bottom that are clearly old. From what I can find online, similar models go anywhere from $30 to $100. What a find!

Do you have any decor items with presidential ties? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below, or over on Facebook/Instagram.

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