Spring 2024 One Room Challenge Introduction
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Spring 2024 One Room Challenge Introduction

“Guess whose back … back again?” That’s right, I’ve signed up for my second round of the One Room Challenge! I’m excited to introduce my project plans and timeline with you all today! One Room Challenge happens twice a year, where participants commit to transforming a room in their homes in eight weeks. While my…

Five Southern Azalea Projects in 2024
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Five Southern Azalea Projects in 2024

It’s officially 2024! Today, we’re sharing five Southern Azalea projects we have planned for this year. Garden Greenhouse This project is actually interesting because this is my attempt to build something from scratch solo. That’s right, no Rob. At least, that’s the plan. But a consult with him wouldn’t count against me, right? As my…

A Look Back at July
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A Look Back at July

July was delightfully slow here at the cottage, which is exactly what we needed coming off an intense, busy June. We’re taking a look back today at what we’ve been up to over here! Tending Our Garden Surprisingly, our spring garden continues to produce such a bounty for us. I’m so impressed by our crops’…

One Room Challenge Update: After the Finale

One Room Challenge Update: After the Finale

Almost immediately after the conclusion of the One Room Challenge, our family spent the next several weeks traveling. When we got home, we spent about a week fully decompressing, which means work didn’t really pick back up on our back porch project until last week. We thought that it was the perfect time to give…

Spray Painting Our Collected Vintage Patio Furniture

Spray Painting Our Collected Vintage Patio Furniture

Anyone else start the process of collecting things waaaaaay (like, years?) in advance of a big project? Just me? Such was the case with our vintage patio furniture, accumulated over literal years in the *hope that one day I would have a porch to use them on. In the meantime, they’ve been shifted all over…