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A Winter Family Room Refresh

cozy winter living room

Our house has been in a perpetual state of chaos since COVID visited in early January. Between getting everyone back up and running and starting a new semester in teaching, finding time to reset this cottage has seemed difficult at best and impossible at worst.

I always feel so much better about things after I’ve given a room a good scrub. Hands down, it’s the single best way I’ve found to beat the winter blues and curb the desire to buy more stuff. In short, it forces me to simply love what I have.

cozy winter living room

And I frequently need that reminder.

I squeezed in a little time to give this room a good dusting, window-washing, and slipcover-replacing this week. I found all sorts of goodies between the couch cushions (including a missing earring), which was a sure sign that the scrubbing was overdue.

cozy winter living room

The only “new” purchases for my simple little refreshed family room were the pillow covers for my 16×16 pillows. I’m not sure if I love them. But I don’t hate them. For $20, I’ll call that a win.

Everything else, including the Target clearance basket, was shopped from around my home.

cozy winter living room

My winter paint by numbers will hang around through the end of February. I even found an adorable old winter Olympics postcard that seemed sort of perfect to display to welcome the 2022 games.

We’ve been keeping the curtains closed in here for much of the past week because of the cold weather. Despite that, my monstera seems to be thriving, reminding us all that even if we’re still collectively sad around here to have bid the holiday season farewell, there are still beautiful seasons ahead of us in this upcoming year.

I prefer this room to be practical for my people, with few tabletop items and ample room for moving about. It’s simple and cozy, perfect for curling up with my fellas on these cold January nights.

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