
A Sweet Garden Tablescape

Our garden projects are starting to wrap up for the time being, and while I wait to plant, I’ve been inspired to creatively play in the space. I wanted to create a little garden tablescape that pays homage to simple spring gatherings in the garden.

I wanted a color story that played to all the sweetest spring pastel notes. With this in mind, I pulled out some of the china from my wedding along with a few pieces of glassware. Last week, some vintage linen came home with me from an estate sale, and I also wanted to feature those items on my table. All of that, coupled with the vintage gold silverware I picked up at the thrift a few weeks ago, created such an inviting little place setting.

I can usually visualize a place setting in my head pretty quickly, but those items that anchor the center of a table take a bit longer to take shape. For awhile, I thought I might feature my vintage brass bird cage with some fun craft birds I found at the thrift store last month. But I was afraid it would overpower the table.

But to my surprise, it was just the perfect centerpiece for the table. A sweet flowering plant inside gave it such a delightful, whimsical touch.

Decorating a tablescape is a delicate balance of beauty and practicality. Items that are too tall obstruct views and restrict conversation. But tables without any sort of height distinction struggle to find their aesthetic footing.

I balanced the height of the bird cage with some vintage books on gardening and some sweet bird vintage flash cards.

I entered the design into a contest by Cottages and Bungalows Magazine, and I’m a finalist! If you’re able and willing, please vote HERE for my tablescape. Voting closes on March 15.

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