A Midcentury Dresser Find

midcentury dresser

If I’ve learned one thing about what kinds of furniture pieces I gravitate toward, it’s that I love some clean lines. And one of my latest furniture finds, this great midcentury dresser fits the bill nicely.

She’s a piece I didn’t even realize I needed. Until her twin desk caught the eye of my husband and I for our son’s bedroom. We have this need to “protect” sets. When we saw the dresser belonged to the desk, we simply couldn’t leave it behind.

midcentury dresser

While I’m not really crazy about the overtly orange tones, which is pretty common with midcentury furniture, I do love its brass hardware. I’m a sucker for old pieces with working locks. Both the dresser, and its matching desk, have locks that are ideal for keeping out a curious toddler.

midcentury dresser lock

Nestled in a corner in our library, the dresser is already proving its worth as the perfect storage piece for a home short on closets. After Christmas saw a pretty dramatic increase to our board game collection, I’m excited to have ample storage to ensure pieces and parts don’t get lost (enter that curious toddler, again).

Adding to a project list that seems to be ever-increasing, I would love to figure out how to take down the orange tones. If I’m unable to figure it out, I may go for a paint job. I love the idea of paining it a deep shade of blue with a matte finish.

midcentury dresser

Tomorrow, over on Instagram, I’ll share my process for styling this table top. I hope you’ll join me!

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