12 Days of Creating: Day 9

Vintage wooden island

On the ninth day of the 12 Days of Creating, I lovingly gave my home: a repainted tiny kitchen island.

This tiny little island is a part of a much larger story, as most pieces are in the cottage. Last winter, we had the plumbing of our house redone. At the time, we moved some of the lower cabinetry around to make space for a dishwasher (which still isn’t hooked up, by the way). My kitchen previously had absolutely no counter space. In making room for a dishwasher, we created the tiniest of spaces for a small kitchen island.

After shifting around cabinets, my husband magically came in from the garage with this old wooden rolling cart I forgot that we had and asked if if would work as an island. It was the perfect size! But because I knew it would be awhile before we could work on the kitchen, I was content to let it remain the ugly green color that it was. Also, check out that ugly formica top (perfect to go with my ugly vintage formica countertops).

When I started the 12 Days of Creating Challenge, my goal was to do as much as I could with what supplies I already had on hand. I wanted to stop thinking about all of the reasons why it was pointless to start a project (most of them centered on impatience about not being able to “complete” it right away anyway) and just make progress. 

My little island is painted black to pull in the lower cabinet hardware and light fixtures in the kitchen. It will eventually be given a cute little acacia wood butcher block top when we get around to completing the countertops in the kitchen. I love my white cabinets, but the dark of this guy gives the room a dramatic, moody little punch. 

Fun story: I tried painting it in the same blue as my front door. I loved it for about 10 seconds, then realized I had way too much blue going on in here. I painted it black and never looked back. I love when I just “feel” something is perfect.

I have to admit, I’m a little stumped for how to go about knocking out Day 10. I’m back at my day job now, which doesn’t leave a ton of extra time during the day for puttering around on projects. I have a few quick ideas up my sleeve. Check back tomorrow for what I come up with!

Cheers from the cottage,


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