12 Days of Creating: Day 6

On the sixth day of the 12 Days of Creating, I lovingly gave my home: an upcycled broken mirror turned bulletin board.

In the summer of 2012, my mom and I took a trip to her hometown in Western New York. It had been the first time I had been back since we took my grandmother back on a final trip in 1989 before she passed away from cancer.

I was delighted to walk into flea markets and antique stores and find prices that were much more reasonable for vintage and antique goodies compared to what we find in Florida. We bought some stuff. We bought a lot of stuff. In fact, we bought so much stuff that we had to have a hitch installed on my Honda Civic just so we could rent a U-Haul to bring it all home.

This mirror was one of my finds. It was beautiful, chippy paint and all. And what’s not to love with the shape of it? The mirror was so old that it had those weird black dots you tend to find on mirrors with age. But, the mirror ended up shattering shortly after returning home. I was pretty devastated but knew I loved the frame enough to keep it and repurpose it. 

The frame has moved around in the last seven years, never having found its true calling. This summer, I had the great idea to turn it into a bulletin board for my studio after having lost all of my bulletin board space when we opened back up the bank of windows to let light into my son’s new bedroom. I hung it in the spot I intended for its final destination and waited for the time to finish the project.

I bought the fabric two summers ago to make some bunting for the studio and took the tiniest bit of “extra” fabric in this pattern because it was all that was left on the board. I couldn’t leave it behind. I knew I would find some special use for it. And now it covers the bulletin board foam. 

It’s the sweetest little DIY project. I can’t wait to fill it with lovely quotes and inspiring photos. 

We’re halfway through the #12daysofcreatingwithColleen challenge. Honestly, I can’t believe I’m still going. I thought for sure I would tire of it just a few days in. Instead, I’ve found it to be the perfect way to beat the post-winter blues. How can one possibly be sad when attempting to fill the world with beauty?

If you haven’t joined in the fun yet, it’s not too late! Head back over to read the first post in the series to get the “rules” and understand the “why” behind the challenge. Here’s a recap of what I’ve completed so far:

Happy Creating, dear friends!

Cheers from the cottage,


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