12 Days of Creating: Day 4

Vintage upcycled patio chairs

On the fourth day of the 12 Days of Creating, I lovingly gave my home: a pair of upcycled vintage patio chairs.

My husband brought home these old rusty patio chairs several years ago. I initially spray painted them black because I was going through this hip modern phase, but they didn’t look good painted black silhouetted against the backdrop of our lake. Plus, because they were initially so rusty and I didn’t prep them properly, the paint began peeling off pretty soon afterward.

The more I stared at them, the more I realized that they are meant to be prominently featured on a porch of some kind.

Vintage upcycled patio chairs

Enter my not-yet-created-front-deck. 

We have an old grease trap buried under the front corner of our cottage. Its location makes planting anything there impossible. Unfortunately, because of its size and age, it would cost an incredible amount of money to have it removed just so we can utilize the space as a flower bed. That dilemma, combined with how much I detest the ugly concrete slab someone poured in front of my front door as a stoop, got us thinking a cute little floating front deck would be perfect in the space. 

My husband removed all of the rotten siding in that area, gave the remaining siding a fresh coat of paint … and then walked away from the project. 

Vintage upcycled patio chairs

To know my husband is to love him; while he is insanely talented at building and creating just about anything my little heart desires, he tends to get very easily distracted and jump between projects before completing them. I think it’s a boredom thing. It’s always worth it in the end, but it’s a trait that I’ve had to learn to patiently (or impatiently, as the case may be) endure in our thirteen years together.

I had an inkling when he started all of this in earnest that it would be awhile before it was completed. That was July. The front of my house remains very empty and naked looking. We’re hoping (weather permitting) that we can work on that this weekend. He assured me it “won’t take too long” to finish.

I figured the chairs had been taking up awkward residence in my front yard long enough. I pulled out the supplies I bought a year ago to upcycle them and decided there was no time like the present to knock the project out.

What do you think of the color?

Cheers from the cottage,


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