12 Days of Creating: Day 2

On the second day of the 12 Days of Creating, I lovingly gave my home: the beginnings of a few cute cross stitching pieces for my kitchen.

I’ve always loved cross stitching. I learned to do it as a child, and I have memories of sitting in the stands before my high school volleyball games doing some stitching or trying to tackle a piece perched on the couch of my childhood home. I don’t actually know if I ever fully finished a piece though! I would always get “bored” and move on. 

Truthfully, as much as I loved stitching, I think one of the problems in my failure to complete a piece is that most of the patterns I encountered seemed “old” to me, and not in that charming way I adore.

Then, I came across this picture from one of my favorite Instagrammers, Lynne of Ellen J Goods (she owns a store near my mom’s hometown in Medina, NY). She framed some whimsical cross stitching pieces in some simple wooden hoops in her lakeside cottage. I was smitten.

I figured there had to be fun patterns out there, so I hit Etsy up for a few back in Summer 2019. I got started right away on one of the patterns, but I made the mistake of doing it on Aida fabric, which doesn’t quite give off the vintage, cottage vibe I envisioned. I let the project run cold.

A few weeks ago, I purchased some linen on the chance that it would give me the look I was going for and that I would have some time over the holidays to get after this project. I had never stitched on linen before, but I absolutely love how it looks.

It will take me awhile to finish this project. My two little boys keep me pretty busy these days.  I’m pushing myself to have it done by the end of January, just in time to start thinking about spring at the cottage. Won’t they look cute on that chunk of blank cabinet?

How did you spend your second day? Tell me in the comments below, or visit me on Instagram to let me know!

Cheers from the cottage,


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