12 Days of Creating: Day 1

On the first day of the 12 Days of Creating, I lovingly gave my home: A beautifully creaky screen door.

Talk about beauty into brokenness. The front of my house has been my vain embarrassment at the cottage for awhile now. We have an issue with some of the siding rotting, and this old girl needs a paint job in the worst kind of way. My husband also pulled off part of the siding to build me a deck back in July (guess who still doesn’t have a deck hahaha). Not to mention, about two months ago, the tile just inside the front door started breaking and cracking because there’s some sort of issue with the subfloor that we need to investigate.

We just haven’t had time to tackle all of this. Until now!

I purchased this screen door from Lowe’s a shamefully long time ago. I originally stained it right away, trimmed it up a bunch (because crooked door frames in old homes), bought hardware for it … then it sat in the depths of our garage for actual years.

I made digging out this bad boy a priority because having it hung will give me the chance to paint my front door, which is another project I plan to tackle in the next 12 days. The color of this stain will be the foundation for the address sign I’m making (another 12 days project) and the flower box I want to build to go under my front window.

There’s something about a slamming, creaky screen door that adds the perfect touch of warmth and nostalgia to this little old cottage. This space may not totally be beautiful yet, but it’s on its way.

Full Disclosure: I did (technically) have to break my challenge rule and go repurchase the door hardware (it was only $8) because a certain adult in this house (spoiler: not me) misplaced pieces of the original set. I’m going to allow it though because 1. this is my challenge, after all, and 2. I originally had the hardware, but it was lost through no fault of my own. I didn’t technically have to buy anything “new,” just a replacement (insert cringey grin here).

How did you bring beauty into brokenness on this first day of the challenge?

Cheers from the cottage,


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